Surveillance: state vs businesses
“Distinction between state surveillance and private surveillance is, to my mind, totally overstated.” – Cory Doctorow
When Your Data Is Currency, What Does Your Privacy Cost?
Revelations about government surveillance have motivated a lot of reactions, some of which take into account that we gain something for some of the data we give up in our day-to-day lives. But the transaction is different when the government is involved.
Discrimination drives the need for ethics in big data
Big data and analytics are profoundly affecting the world around us. One of the focal points of my postings has been how big data and analytics affects, specifically, our personal privacy. An old and perhaps far too familiar twist on this has risen to the forefront of discussion and that is the issue of whether big data and analytics will be used to discriminate against the less fortunate (or perhaps even “the one percent”).
German Panel to Question Executives Over NSA Spy Report
German parliamentary investigators plan to question executives of telecommunications operators about reports that U.S. and U.K. intelligence gained direct access to networks of companies including Deutsche Telekom AG.
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