6 astuces pour vous aider à protéger vos données personnelles sur le Web

Doit-on vraiment s’inquiéter de tout ce que le Web peut savoir sur nous? Ça dépend. En participant à la grande création collaborative que représente la série webdocumentaire Traque interdite, j’ai développé, comme plusieurs de mes collègues, une réaction paradoxale – à mi-chemin entre la curiosité de découvrir des avancées technologiques étonnantes et l’envie paranoïaque d’envelopper mon cellulaire dans du papier alu.

6 tips for protecting your personal information on the Web

Should we really be worried about everything that the Web may know about us? That depends. While participating in the large collaborative webdocumentary series Do Not Track, I developed, as did several of my colleagues, a paradoxical reaction – somewhere between curiosity to discover amazing new technologies and the paranoid desire to wrap my cell phone in tinfoil.

Discovering everything that the new Web economy knows about is disturbing. Did you know that many mobile apps access your GPS, your contacts or your calendar, even though it isn’t necessary in order for them work? (see episode 04)?

Future of Storytelling – Do Not Track

What if your credit scores were assessed based on your Facebook likes and your health insurance plan on your Netflix history? Do Not Track, a web-based documentary series about Internet privacy and data collection, shows that our digital footprint may soon become an even more integral part of our lives.

Directed by Brett Gaylor, this interactive series is meant as a warning call for all those who believe their browsing history to be of little importance. By accessing viewers’ IP address, favorite websites, and Facebook accounts, the web doc personalizes its content, providing viewers with geographically relevant GIFs, different narrators, and even the Big Five personality traits that apply to them. Consequently, no two screenings are the same, and we get an astonishing real-time look at how our data is being tracked, analyzed, and sold.

Each episode is accompanied by a selection of articles and videos relevant to the topic at hand, allowing us to further our understanding of issues such as the tracking industry and its economic origins, cookie files, and online profiling.

Apple And Google Just Attended A Confidential Spy Summit In A Remote English Mansion

At an 18th-century mansion in England’s countryside last week, current and former spy chiefs from seven countries faced off with representatives from tech giants Apple and Google to discuss government surveillance in the aftermath of Edward Snowden’s leaks.

The three-day conference, which took place behind closed doors and under strict rules about confidentiality, was aimed at debating the line between privacy and security.

Spy agencies target mobile phones, app stores to implant spyware

Canada and its spying partners exploited weaknesses in one of the world’s most popular mobile browsers and planned to hack into smartphones via links to Google and Samsung app stores, a top secret document obtained by CBC News shows.

The 2012 document shows that the surveillance agencies exploited the weaknesses in certain mobile apps in pursuit of their national security interests, but it appears they didn’t alert the companies or the public to these weaknesses. That potentially put millions of users in danger of their data being accessed by other governments’ agencies, hackers or criminals.

Courts docs show how Google slices users into “millions of buckets”

The online giant probably knows more about you than the NSA — including things you might not even tell your mother.

The first law of selling is to know your customer. This simple maxim has made Google into the world’s largest purveyor of advertisements, bringing in more ad revenue this year than all the world’s newspapers combined. What makes Google so valuable to advertisers is that it knows more about their customers — that is to say, about you — than anyone else.

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